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New Members

New members are always welcome at Maidstone Invicta u3a and we want to do our utmost to help you get involved in whatever way you want.

Starting with our monthly meetings, you may come along free in the first instance to get to know us. You may also participate as a non-member in some special interest group activities.

We have a team of “Welcomers” who will strive to introduce you at a monthly meeting and beyond that arrange for you to participate in a special interest group.

New members come with a wide range of expectations. Some want no more initially than to get to know people, others arrive with ideas to start their own special interest group. Whatever you want we shall do our best to fulfil your needs.

From time to time coffee mornings are organised to help break the ice and our Executive Committee members are approachable and on hand to help.

For more information on Special Interest Groups please click on the link.

You can join using our online form here and using a debit or credit card to pay via PayPal.

Or you can click here to download our current Membership Form  and you can either bring the completed form and membership fee to our next monthly meeting or post to the address at the bottom of the form. All membership applications are subject to our conditions of membership . A link to these conditions can be found in the links on the right of the page. By paying your membership fee you are agreeing to these conditions.

Gift Aid

If you are a tax-paying member you should consider completing a Gift Aid form 2016. Gift Aid is a way for charities or Community Amateur Sports Clubs (CASCs) to increase the value of monetary gifts from UK taxpayers by claiming back the basic rate tax paid by the donor on the donation. It can increase the value of donations by a quarter at no extra cost to the donor. If you'd like further information about the scheme follow the HMRC Gift Aid link.


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